A Bad Dream Of Reality


Strolling in a garden

Full of flowers and green grass

Shining sun and flying butterflies

Humming birds with sparkling eyes

I was spreading my arms

Closing my eyes and starting to dance

And Then

I felt myself suffocating

Eyes started to bleed

The sun with shining rays

Was fading with all its heat

The flowers started turning black

The birds were dying

Losing their feat

The colors turned to black and white

And Transition was complete…..!

I shivered and shivered sitting on my knees

Till someone whispered slowly

This is not the world transforming

You have seen the reflection of inner self

Vague Spot where imagination and absoluteness meets…..

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  1. divinechaos

     /  July 10, 2013

    Isn’t free verse fun? It’s exasperating to some but I love it. I love rhythm also but free verse requires no rules and has no boundaries. Lovely poem!

    • Yes you are right…I felt it quiet interesting and easy too 🙂 Thanks for the visit and comment…Keep visiting 🙂 xx

  2. slam dance
    interpretative words
    mirrors waltz
    piercing shards

    • yeah got the point ! Love your comment and thank you so much for stopping by ! Keep visiting 🙂 xx

  3. Is that your own poem? Very well written. I hope you write another one soon which starts from where this poem ended, and finishes where this one started. 😉

    • Lol you just gave me an idea ! Thanks so much. I never knew I can write something like poetry and I don’t think so I can still write it…These were some thoughts which took words and came out in the form of this poem….And yes this is mine lol Thanks so much for your comment and appreciation . Means a lot ! Keep visiting ! xx

  4. Lovely Poem! Very Meaningful! 🙂

    • Hehe don’t embarrass me now A very good poet is admiring my crap 😛 I appreciate it though 😛 Thanks for the comment xx

      • No really, the poem is good. The meaning conveyed is so subtle… Truly, often its not the surroundings which change, but the viewpoint with which it is looked at.


      • I am honored ! Really means a lot 🙂 xx

  5. I love this poem! Very nice.

  6. Khaula Nazir

     /  July 14, 2013

    This is so so so eloquently put. Loved it.

  7. you write beautifully! you got such talent! thank you so much for stopping by my blog and thus letting me discover yours. will follow up often, have no other option..I feel I have a lot to learn from you. wish you all the very best!

    • Awwwh that gave me a smile 🙂 Thank you so so much really for the great honor to visit my blog and for all the appreciation through such cute words 🙂 You are lovely ! Your blog is awesome too and am sure going to visit it more often ! Love you so much 🙂 Wish you the same with prayers and love added 😉


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