Scared Of GoodByes


Scared of Goodbyes

Afraid of departures

She couldn’t bear

Fearful heart and sorrowful sighs

The good bye hugs

The tears and moans

Pain rendering faces

Missing heart beats

The thought of never meeting again

The brain bangs

Beautiful memories fading into darkness

Of never ending forest

The thick fog of flashbacks

Was contaminated by thoughts of future


The full stop

Was  it all an illusion ?

Pain exploded out

Of everything

It started raining

As the sky felt her

Winds were companions

Soft and cool

Sadness prevailed

Silence shouted

Her soul shivered

She closed her eyes

Made fists

As if she was locking

Weakness in them


She left


Without saying good bye

She was scared of good byes

A Dream………



Slept hearing the sounds of her own sobs and weep

On a damp pillow , swollen eyes and heart with cuts deep

Wakes up gliding in a sea of her own tears

With nobody around , Loneliness and no fears


She lie there with arms bent around her knees

Staring at the pervasive vastness of limitless seas

People who modified her life were not around

Busy in their own lives they made her astound


Alone she stand to face her life planned by them

To reveal and to hunt, whether to find sand or a gem

She thought she had cried over her loss for long

Now she had to take a step forward and be strong


Life has to pass, through laughs or through cries

Choosing the easy way is clever, higher she flies

Leaving behind everyone she loved before

Preparing herself to love one’s she never adore


Looking at the reflection of her face in pool of her own tears

She threw into it, her love her dreams, wishes and her fears

Shivering inside, feeling helpless, lonely but calm and quiet

She bestowed herself to Him, He is the one who is just right


Preparing to fly high, she looks at the clear blue sky

Shoulders without burden , she took a warm sigh

Wishing to feel all her life , the same optimism’s gleam

But sad she was , because this was only a dream…..!















Caustic heavy heart beat drumming in ears

The very choking breath full of fears

The restlessness, hopelessness, pain arise

Rubbing hands, Hollowness, tears in eyes


The severe agony thinking about the future

The regrets while peeking into the past

Eating my heart like beetles eat wood

Not letting me do, what I should !


The wish to have a wound on my body

The urge to scratch it hard with nails

That pain would kill the pain in heart

The blood would cause the heartache frail

Stepping singly on the graves of wishes

Each one arises and cause acute affliction

Somewhere deep down a part of heart itches

Takes me back to the endless expedition

The questions bubble into my mind

Like the sky with soft white clouds aligned

Am I bipolar , mystic , schizophrenic , wacky brain ?

Or I am just having the ‘Heartache’ again.


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Pretextul acestui blog este mica mea colecție de fotografii vechi. În timp s-a transformat în pasiune. O pasiune care ne trimite, pe noi, cei de azi, în lumea de altădată, prin intermediul unor fotografii de epocă.

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