That Scary Day When They All Were Killed Brutally………! ;)


They were all horrified and scared….Of the future !

Every body seems to be in a hurry. They were building underground camps and vast food storage places. They were building shields to protect themselves. Every body was working hard even women and children were up and working like men. Meetings were being held in the Assemblies and on the top levels and every body was in search of better plans to fight. They were collecting related weapons. A great hustle could be seen among them.

With the effort of a few days , abundant food for almost a month was stored in the food storage places and all of the people were moved in the underground camps. There were few soldiers who were on duty outside the camps in case of any emergency. The high level authorities were encouraging their people , cheering them up and upraising them to stop worrying and wish for all the best. But every one knew in his heart, something bad is going to happen soon………….!

They still remember the day when it started raining suddenly, but they were astonished to see that the color of rain was black and it was not liquid, it was powder. That powder was so dangerous. The powder made people unconscious as it touched them. Some were killed too because of staying unconscious for too long. It started raining for 5 mins and these five minutes were like hell to them. Their loved ones were effected badly and many of them were died. One fourth of their total population was lost. They were crying on their losses . High authorities were pressurized for not having strong enough defense system .

Everything was improved after that horrible day to stay safe from any future rain of this type.

Then It started raining again one day, But the color of powder was white this time. It was not as powerful as the black one but it effected the people badly too. People were anyhow satisfied that their preparations are enough now to fight against it. They were considering themselves safe.

Then there was that black scary day when it started raining at the morning and it was water this time, But the temperature of water was extreme high. It was boiling. It burnt everyone it touched. People were running here and there to protect themselves but there was no way. They were watching their loved ones die in front of their eyes but they couldn’t do anything. They were striving to save their lives. Half of their population was dead due to this rain.

It was after this rain , they made all these preparations. According to the high authorities they were all safe now and there wasn’t any chance of getting anyone hurt again. They were satisfied by their defense System and preparations. Two weeks were passed peacefully when this dreadful day came………..

The morning was a bit red that day. They were hearing some rush and noises , their was no peace like the other mornings. Their hearts were drumming in their ears while they were praying for their safety. But it looks like their prayers were not accepted…..

A splash of Boiling water came and it started raining heavily again. The pressure of water was much more this time and the temperature was much more higher than the previous time. It was coming with a very high speed and intensity. People rushed towards their camps . The water killed all the people who were out on the streets and then it started destroying their storage areas and flowing towards their camps. They were considering themselves safe inside the camps but soon they realized they were wrong. The flow of water was so thick and fast that it ruined everything coming in its way either it is the strong defense system or the underground camps. Soon all people inside the camps were also killed.

It kept raining for almost half an hour and in this time their entire civilization was wiped off that area. Their were dead corpses all over the streets floating in water. Their broken legs and heads were gliding in water. Without any sign of life, this place looks like a graveyard now….

Death is an ultimate truth…..

The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.

-Mark Twain


Mr and Mrs. Ali were standing in their backyard in front of their back door where there were some signs of struggle . Two big jugs were laying right beside Mr. Ali and they both were looking at a big area which looks like a mixture of mud and water now with tiny holes .

I guess this water thing worked this time” ! said Mr. Ali.

Yes, I think so too. Last time when I told you the trick I was sure it would work but you did it the wrong way” , said Mrs. Ali in a sarcastic tone.

Mr. Ali’s face turned red but he was the ‘husband’ here so you know……. He had no right to say anything .

Yes, darling you are always right” He said with one eye brow going upstairs….and the lips contracted.

The black and white powders didn’t work well though the shopkeeper was sure enough it will work” He added.

Yes you never do anything right” It was Mrs. Ali , as usual.

Any way I am sure the ants would never come here again. They use to eat all the left over food from our kitchen and they use to climb our beds and tables too in search of food. Even they use to bite us too. I am sure they have learnt their lesson ! ” said Mr. Ali

And Mrs. Ali smiled at him…….

They looked at the bright fearless morning together while Mr. Ali’s hand was going towards Mrs. Ali’s arm to pinch it hard with his nails…… He was feeling bored without listening to the special morning occasion: Showering of bad words and curses out of his wife’s mouth…….

I Got Ya ! ;)

I Got Ya ! 😉


….And Then “Like” Happened !


Instructions: Before reading the post Press “Like” button You see at the Top Of this page or at the end of this post.  Thanks !!

You all are Facebook geeks I know that. I am not here to discuss the co’s and pron’s of Facebook addiction or something. After all ‘Sir The Teenage Hero The Great Mark Jee’ did a splendid  job inventing Facebook and creating an”‘extra” activity for the lazy people. They use to do “Nothing” before and that itself is a hard task. Now they have to check there Facebook every now and then . They have to do “Something” now !

You all must be familiar with the “Like” button in Facebook. Whether we read the status or know its meaning or not, we are in a habit of liking it. If there is a status like “Its My Birthday” We “Like” it instead of wishing that soul a Happy Birthday. I sometimes see sad statuses like “My Mother died, My whole world has torn apart” And there are 26 likes on that status and 7 comments ! I mean what on earth is the point of liking here ? There is a status “Had a hell day today!”  and there are 30 likes on it !!! When you see a long status at someone’s wall, full of wisdom and knowledge (according to the one who posted it ) And you see 39 likes on it. Guess it yourself, one out of these 39 may have read the whole status ! They like it with closed eyes without even trying to read it. Is this laziness or something else ?

I guess it is not laziness. It is that we are so use to pressing the “Like” button now. There are special pages on Facebook which are active day and night and they post pictures and stuff just to collect likes. They compare some famous thing to a very insane thing and say the people to press “like” if they like the famous one and comment if they like the insane one ! Even sometimes the insane one is Justin Beiber !!! , What a shame ….! (For the famous person 😛 ) Hehehe


Sometimes there is a picture where a Big Water melon faced uncle is beating a little weak boy and the caption says “1 like = 1 slap ” ! See, like this “Like” button has a fist attached at its other end and on pressing it, The big Uncle’s face gets punched !


Sometimes even people don’t stay back to use innocent ill or some kind of special children’s pictures to get likes. They sometimes use God’s name and say If you don’t “like”, you don’t Love God ! LOL As if they are the angels watching ! ! Sometimes this technique is used to judge Our Mother’s Love ! This is ridiculously insane !


And there are even more than 10,000 likes on these kind of statuses. I mean what the H** ??? Are these 10,000 people so lame enough to like these kind of stupid posts ? or they don’t even realize what they are doing ? I don’t have any idea. I hate these kind of posts and I never give a F*udge about them . Most of the people say the same. I am still trying to figure out what are those creatures who “Like” These posts. May be aliens from Moon ? Yeah Maybe.


Despite all this, I still Love the “Like” button. I wish there is a “Like” button in real. Whenever we like something about anyone, we press “Like” and let them know we liked what they said or did. There should be a “Like” button for the things we want to do in our life. A “Like” button for the friends we like the most , out of all . There should be a prize for everyone at the end of the week for who got the most Likes ! This is my ridiculous Imagination but revolution in technology has no limits !

In the past people use to write letters to their loved ones with their own hands. Then that person use to send a letter back with the replies. There letters were filled with love and passion. They knew the thrill of waiting for the answer of their loved one. But then Facebook happened!! …. Now a boy friend writes “I Love You” on the wall of his girl friend and she “Like” it ! The end. Things have become simple but the pure feelings are fading slowly. Birthday wishes are written on walls instead of wishing through cards and gifts and in return instead of thanks cards, “Like” is used. This all seems so robotic to me . Empty lifeless wishes ! Only words without any meanings.


And now word press has the same “Like” button .  Many of us writers use to like posts in our reader list without even having a look at them ! I too sometimes do the same when I am busy. Guess what is the first thing I do when I get up in the morning ? I check my stats page 😀 and answer the comments and check the Likes ! And then open my reader and “Like” “Like” “Like” the posts, read very few and “Like” most of them 😀 Don’t take me wrong I do it only when I have to do something or in busy times ! Otherwise I love reading 😛 I know I sound weird now :-/

Anyway the point is, there should be a meaning of everything we do, like “Like”. Now that I know you can’t unlike my post , Repeat this with me , “I will press “Like” only when I will truly like something ! “

Cheers !  Keep “Liking” and keep reading 🙂 Have a lovely day full of “Likes”.

Happy “Like” ing !!  xx



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